Entre 2019 et 2021, l’ARERT a bénéficié d’un cofinancement de la Commission européenne, dans le cadre du ” Programme Justice Droits, Égalité et Citoyenneté “. L’association a mis en œuvre avec succès le projet baptisé RERT Improv’ (“Optimisation et performance du réseau européen des registres testamentaires et des CSE”).
The RERT Improv' project enabled the implementation of a renovated IT platform of the European network of registers of wills. This platform has been modernised to make more efficient the exchange of information between the registers. The RERT platform interconnects currently 13 registers of wills and 3 registers of European Certificates of Succession, within the European Union.
As part of the project, actions were carried out to increase the network's visibility. A first set of trainings of trainers were organised in France to widely disseminate the practicalities of the interconnection to notaries. Communicational tools were produced, such as video presenting the interconnection of registers, brochure, website, and practical sheets for notaries on how to carry out a search for last wills. Those tools can be adapted into the various EU languages and will allow professionals to inform citizens of the cross-border search possibilities available to them.